Saturday, December 11, 2010


Since blogging is so much more fun than cleaning, I figured I would blog instead!  Way to procrastinate from the Christmas that threw up in the guest room...I just keep running from it!  Those of you that have been reading and know me know I love my house to be clean but I am learning to not let those things stress me out and to just enjoy the moments with Andrew and my little guy:)!  It is making life much more enjoyable.  Lately when he has been fussy I almost get irritated because it is so not like him to be this way, so I just tell myself, it is just a moment.  This will not last forever!

Tradition is changing!  Last week I would have told you I hate this because now that I have two families I hate missing out on celebrations and Thanksgivings etc.  I realize though that we can not be everywhere at once so I have had to learn to live with it since I have been married the last four years.  The first year we stayed on the road Christmas eve with one family Christmas day with another driving back to Cary for Thanksgiving dinner after having Thanksgiving lunch in Shelby.  It was WAY TOO MUCH!  The quote that you can't be an expert in a lot of things just one or you can't be a jack of all trades.  Bear with me I promise it relates......we would rush in and have a little time here and a little time there, but really no quality time anywhere! It was not working for us so now we do Thanksgiving and Christmas every other year.  For instance we did Thanksgiving this year with Andrew's so we are with mine at Christmas.  But then we still always see the other family just not ON Christmas day.  We have for my entire life gone to Virginia to celebrate Christmas with my mom's side and Hickory with Andrew's side around Christmas.  Well it is getting tough because last year I did not make it to Shelby at all and because everyone is in all different directions we will not all be in Virginia to celebrate this year. 

Over the last week though I have realized it has to change!  We have a baby now and it will change more next year. This year he has no idea so we are not staying here Christmas day but eventually I will want him to wake up in his own bed on Christmas day.  This is also the first year we have not driven all over creation, and I thought I would hate it but it is actually quite relieving!  We get to do a big family Christmas at our house with Andrew's family and I am so excited!  I think it is going to be so much fun!:) We will still be seeing the entire Virginia crew just not with all my sisters etc. but I am realizing I still get to see everyone I normally do at Christmas and that is a reason to be thankful!

We are pretty much done with Christmas shopping it is all different this year being in a house with a little one it is all so exciting!  Andrew and I do not care as much about gifts esp. him (the shoes,watches and gadgets:)) don't get me wrong he still likes all those things but now he is more about Mister Bradford!:)  He is such a proud papa!!!

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