Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Dedication

 I wanted to thank everyone that was able to come to Bradford's baby dedication on April 10!  This was also an especially memorable day because it would have been my Granddaddy Kinzie's 90th birthday!  We enjoyed having everyone there and it meant so much to us.  We missed everyone that couldn't make are some pictures of the weekend events which was mostly him entertaining everyone with his antics!
Scrub a dub dub Brady's in the tub

Really? A picture now?

Grandpa and Brady in his BIRTHDAY SUIT!
He gets all his silliness from his Uncle Gary!:)
Posing for the camera
Brady loves Aunt Amy, and her NECKLACE

The family on the left the parents were some of my Young Life leaders in high school and the family on the right has 5 biological children (4 boys, 1 girl) and just adopted the little girl being held!
Two hams

Brady and Andrew with Gramps and Aunt Allison

The booties Brady has on were knit for him by his Great Grandma Clatfelter
In this picture I can see how he is going to look as he gets older
Great Grandma Kinzie

 Loved these two pictures that my Mom is holding him in I think 
this was right before he broke her necklace, sorry about that Mom.

Nana and Grandpa Clatfelter

Bradford with the Bradfords

As you can see he had a fun day:)

1 comment:

  1. how exciting! Much love and blessings to a the sweet Brady boy. He is such a cutie...honestly, he's really pretty; what a looker and fortunately, a ham. Such fun<3
