Friday, October 14, 2011

Family Beach Trip 2011

In September we went to the beach with my mom's entire side of the family!  There were 21 of us in one house!...WHEW you might say, there were a few of those moments.  What did i learn?  That there are places I need to grow and to give others room to grow as well!  Overall looking back it was a wonderful trip!  I loved getting to experience the beach as a family, watching Brady experience it all, spending time with Andrew and other members of my family and getting to know everyone better.

This kid could not get enough of the beach, he loved playing in the sand with his Daddy and crawling around in the surf!  Brady was so well-behaved.  He was content to sit in the kiddie pool we brought and play with his toys while Mommy and Daddy sunned, read and relaxed!  Thank you Lord for so far an easy going child.  He smiled and giggled when the wind blew in his face or water came rushing up on him!

We went out to dinner, played a round of putt-putt with Keith and Ellen, got to go para sailing(separate blog post), Brady learned to walk, played a very competitive round of spoons, celebrated Amy's birthday, hung out in the hot tub, had evening walks on the beach, did a GLOW and education seminar with our Amway products and created lots of memories together!

Spoons is a game we played growing up with Granddaddy and the rest of the family!  It was hardcore then and is even more so now!  It is truly a game of elimination.  We had two teams and the 3 players left from each of those teams got to continue to the final round.  Growing up my feelings were easily hurt if I felt the rules were being broken and others were not playing fairly.  It was a ton of fun and we all loved it.  Andrew, Kathleen and Keith were the final 3, and as you can probably tell, Keith won and proudly carried around his wooden spoon trophy sneaking into as many pics as possible the rest of the week!



  1. these pictures are so stinkin' cute! seriously I am tearing up a bit because I want to see that cute boy so bad!

  2. precious!
    Look at the grown-up 13month old in that last shot. Man alive, he's a cutie. <3
