Thursday, February 17, 2011

To sleep or not to sleep? That has been Brady's question!

For those of you that don't know we have been waking up a lot at night between the hours of 1-3 or 4 or 5 for about two weeks now!  This is all due to teething only.  I took him to the doc on Monday to ex out the factor of a possible ear infection.  He is thankfully healthy as a horse.  It is hard to be a parent these days with everyone always wanting an answer and all of the "Baby Stuff" that is available.  There is almost too much on the market for everything and it can at times be a bit overwhelming.  Which teether is the best?  To orajel or not to orajel?  The nighttime one with pain medication or the all natural one?  Who cares?  What I want is what is going to work!  Well after some exhaustion and tears and trying to get advice from everyone he finally slept for 7 HOURS LAST NIGHT and then for another 3.  There is hope in the air!  Due to all of this it has been more pertinent to have me time.  Andrew hasn't been up with me much b/c he has had to work but has been super sweet in helping with dinner and other things around the house and letting me get out for a couple hours this week.  I love him!

Valentine's Day was sweet but not overly exciting at our house.  We went out to dinner Friday night and counted that as our Valentine's dinner out and Andrew got me a new wallet and some flowers and a card which I loved them all!  I doted on my two sweet valentines! 

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